
Erasmus University Rotterdam and Erasmus MC, University Medical Center Rotterdam, offer an international Research Master program 'Infection & Immunity', since August 2009. This two-year program aims to train students in translational research at the crossroads of infection and immunity by top-quality research groups at Erasmus MC.

The main aim of the research master program is to train excellent students to become esteemed researchers capable of 'translating' basic science into clinical medicine and vice versa. The master program will combine intensive training in fundamental and advanced immunology and microbiology with extensive training in clinical and population-based research. One important competency required will be the ability to effectively collaborate within and outside the research group.

After two years, the Research Master program 'Infection & Immunity' will result in a master thesis, to be presented at the yearly Research Master 'Infection & Immunity' symposium.

Bird’s eye view of I&I programme

The master programme in Infection & Immunity aims at training researchers who are well educated in research methodology and who will be able to pursue a scientific career. Therefore the programme enables the student to become an independent researcher, who can subsequently complete a PhD programme, either as part of his/her training as a medical specialist, or as part of a career track in biology, biomedical sciences, biochemistry or veterinary medicine.


Summer & winter courses

Please find here the programmes of the last organised Summer Courses and

Winter Courses of the Research Master Infection & Immunity.

Summer courses: more..

Winter courses: more...

Lab rotations

During the first semester of the Master program, the students will participate in lab rotations. They will make a tour around at least 3 labs, part of the Master Infection & Immunity Faculty. The lab rotation schedule is made after the first Summer Course, during which the several labs present themselves to the students.


Study abroad

Erasmus MC has declared ‘internationalisation’ to be an essential part of its medical curriculum, research master and doctoral programmes. The aim is that by 2010 at least fifty percent of medical students follow part of their training abroad. All courses will be taught in English.


The MSc programme and the regular Erasmus MC MD curriculum

In September 2008, Erasmus MC has implemented the Bachelor/Masters structure (BaMa) in its regular medical curriculum (codename ErasmusArts 2008 or EA 2008). The lay-out of the proposed new curriculum is depicted....


Finalising the MSc education in a publication article

In the second semester of the second year students will write a master thesis on the basis of the research project. The thesis has to be presented at the yearly Research Master ‘Infection & Immunity’ symposium.


Other compulsory parts of the curriculum

These are four courses


Description of research themes

Fundamental knowledge of immunology and microbiology lays the foundation for the development of novel diagnostic strategies and the development of therapeutic strategies. The research programs are solidly embedded in and interacting with investigators, scientific groups and networks in a broad international context This holds both for the laboratory parts and the clinical activities.

